Friday, June 02, 2006

HELP--Summer boredom!

I need some help from my many viewers(all 2 of you)! As I just looked at the calendar I realized we have been out of school now for only two weeks. I'm beginning to think that has to be wrong though considering it feels like a month. I mean, I don't know if it's just me or not but this has been the longest two weeks of my life. On the last day of school everyone is at the door ready run out at the sound of the do what?? Absolutely NOTHING! Well, I guess the upper classmen have it pretty good considering they can drive places but what can I do?? At least I get to leave for Florida tonight for Tour, but when I get home I'm in the same boat. I would ask my parents this question but all I get from them is this, "You have to get a job." crap or my favorite, "Clean (substitute any household object here)." I mean, seriously, what life value does a job have? They don't seem to understand when I tell them I am marrying someone rich. It's all good though, they'll see. So while I am in Florida for my one entertaining week, I need some ideas on what I can do when I come home. I have NOTHING until softball starts again. I think I have tried everything..I mean I even became a blogger!

~And how exactly do you all write long blogs..I thought this was going to be one but I am just inexperienced!


Anonymous said...

clean your room

Anonymous said...

get a job

Anonymous said...

but since your not allowed to get married until'll need a job till then

Anonymous said...

well, I have several papers you could help me write or you could always become my personal assistant. It doesn't pay, so it doesn't really qualify as a job...

Jordan said...

ill have to think about that haha

Anonymous said...

hater!! ... and to your wonder about how to write a long blog, I think that many people write their longest blogs at their full-time jobs...

Anonymous said...

luhlinnneuh...I agree...I have noticed that we only receive comments during business hours!

Anonymous said...

clean the dishes

Nate said...

get a job

Anonymous said...

clean the bathroom counter

Anonymous said...

OK Jordan, it's time for your first official crossblog. I know it's not really fair since you are in Florida, but that makes it all the sweeter! I would like to discuss how one transitions from having a summer vacation that lasts three months to having no summer vacation and the equivalent to two weeks a year taken day by day to add up to a whole lot of nothing close to a vacation. I am starting to feel the withdrawl since it has I have not had a summer break since 2004. How do you all do this!!!???

ps. I expect the most insight to come from you Jordan, since you are a few weeks into the luxury of a three month break and their is no job in sight.

pps. Are you planning to get a job?!? (your parents said they would pay me for the promotion...)

Anonymous said...

yes she is going to get a job

Anonymous said...

clean the dog

Anonymous said...

clean the front door

Anonymous said...

Clean MY room.

Anonymous said...

34t6uw2qsiukl9'ii'8u7u;8klp0oij7y78iu7u;8l 0pou7ui8o9iu6fuh4ore3ljhjtttyuh

Anonymous said...

get a job

Anonymous said...

clean your brothers

Jordan said...

wow..ur right far all the comments have been from parents, parents friends, and my biggie and biggie's friend..hahaha..its all good. so yeah im new at this crossblogging luhlinneah..but i dont think U should be the one acting like school is so horrible. well i know those awesome abs classes HAVE to be a killer..its just a touch situation i guess