Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Fat Faced Insomniac

I look like a chipmunk!

I got my wisdom teeth pulled approximatley 14 hours ago.

I've had more fun experiences.

I've learned Happy Gas really makes you happy.

I've also learned Happy Gas makes others around you that listen to your insane comments happy.

Advice: If you ever have a loved one use Happy Gas, take their phone away and be a true friend.

Sorry if you got a phone call that sounded something like, "I goth my withdom teth pooled."

It was me.

It is now 4:40 A.M. and I have been awake for a few hours...pain killers wore off.

They were making me sleep.

Mommy hid the painkillers.

I'm hungry.

4 more hours till another dosage of Vicaden...what to do till then?

I have an excuse to eat ice cream!


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