Friday, February 29, 2008

Tell Me You Love Me(Part 2)

This is the second near-death experience I have been fortunate enough to live and blog about(see Adam's ridiculous post about popcorn and fire alarms actually made me think of the subject!

It was a regular day in the halls of Henry Clay high school. It was the start of second hour and I was just dragging into class...I was tired, ok? Anyways, right when I got in the room and put my stuff down the fire alarm went off. These “drills” happen all the time so I wasn't too quick to get up as I was still half way asleep. Frustrated, the class slowly began to exit the room.

I was just thrilled when we walked outside where it was pouring rain. Thinking we would only be out there a few minutes, I handed my friend my coat since she had short sleeves on. An HOUR later, I decided that was a bad idea…

Now soaking wet, we were all a little peeved. I just thought a student pulled it and we had to wait for the firemen to inspect. Suddenly fingers started raising to point up to the hallway window. Black smoke consumed it! I was awe struck! My I-Pod was definitely still in the room! I guess that probably wasn’t the first thing to think about but I’m being honest.

Everyone now a little scared, our teachers got the bright idea to move us into the gym since it isn’t connected to the building. Wonderful. I’m so glad the Henry Clay staff can think of such a convenient plan an hour after we have been freezing in the rain.

Here we waited another hour. No Heredity class! Eventually we were informed that someone lit toilet paper on fire in the bathroom and it burnt out into the hallway but the firement took care of it. Sweet.

Oh, and of course there is a moral to the story. Don’t skip school. Because if you do decide to sleep in and then come to class late, someone may decide to put the school on fire and then you may become a suspect because you were in the hallway at the time. I’m innocent until proven guilty at least!

So that is how I survived the Henry Clay Toilet Paper Fire. I was an inch away from death once again! So…tell me you love me!!


Anonymous said...

your artwork at the beginning of the post tops the near-death story that followed. by far a masterpiece. art major? maybe?

Anonymous said...

don't you mean you were a "square" inch away from death? AHAHAHAHA!!! I slay me!

Anonymous said...

I love you, Jordan. :)

Anonymous said...

I like you a lot

Chelsea said...

it's goooooood!

TaylorW said...

tell me you love me:

"I love you."

Chelsea said...

so i just came back to this post...and i am just now understanding the picture.

that was some kinda creative3

Anonymous said...

chelsea...that's what i said.

jordan = creative = art major


Jordan said...

That is what the guy that read my palm said I should do!

Anonymous said...

your a dork.

Chelsea said...

you did palm reading? I wanna try?

Anonymous said...

i love you

Anonymous said...

now go clean your room!