Monday, February 11, 2008

Doing it.

If you are looking for a devotion book that will kick you in the butt every morning and inspire you to become more than a mediocre Christian, pick up David Nasser's A Call to Die tonight. I am half way through it now and I am dreading when it is over. Today I read two...even though you aren't suppose to haha. I just got done reading the section "Be a Doer" and it really got to me so I want to share it.

Nasser says the church is full of "armchair Christians." These are the Christians that sit back and watch people. We judge someone’s heart by their attendance. We recognize a good sermon and wander who in the audience feels convicted and needs to repent. We are quick to tell people to pray but slow to do it ourselves. To me that isn't even mediocre Christianity. It is worse...and unfortunately I think that is where a lot, if not most, Christians in the church are today.

"Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it--he will be blessed in what he does." (James 1:22, 25)

By merely listening to the word, we deceive ourselves. We may think we are growing Christians because we know the word, but when we add no action to it we are only fooling ourselves. Yes, we may decide not to curse the name of God or get drunk every weekend, but we are not fully devoting ourselves to Christ. Notice that James says the "perfect law that gives freedom." Isn't it ironic that what seems like a burden(the law) actually gives us freedom? When we follow Christ we have to humble ourselves and we feel like we are missing out on the fun, but we find a joy and contentment like anything the world can offer. At the time it is a very difficult act to deny yourself and choose Christ’s law, but when you put your head on your pillow that night you find joy in your decision.

Being a “doer of the word” doesn’t just mean avoiding sin, though. It means taking action for Christ. Tell others about this law that will give them freedom too. Pastor really hit it yesterday when he said “Evangelism is intentional and confrontational.” Evangelism won’t just “happen.” Situations will arise where it may be very easy to witness, but you still have to take the step. Take it.

Start with prayer. Pray for the people you feel God wants you to reach. Classmates, associates, even family will one day be out of your reach. Reach out now while they are there. Write down names and ways you can reach them. It doesn’t always mean sitting down out of nowhere and talking about God, sometimes maybe, but others it just means hanging out with that kid younger than you that thinks you are the world. Sometimes it means sending a nice email, or inviting them out with your church friends so they can just see the environment of Christ-followers. No matter what it looks like, just reach out to them.


Lets stop listening and start doing.


Chelsea said...

just in case you didnt know. You are forever my favorite person ever.

Can't wait till i get to that day. it's probablly going to kick me in the butt maybe just as much as this post. it seems like each day gets a little rougher but as you hit on. brings even more joy and so much closer to our Savior and Friend.

ps...thanks for the sneak preview in the texts today! ; )

Anonymous said...

Holla back, Jordan...awesome thoughts. :)

Anonymous said...

strong to very strong post

Sheri said...

David Nasser rocks! When you're done with this book, try Glory Revealed. There's a CD that goes with it. It's all scripture, so if you learn all the songs, you have like a bazillion verses memorized.

Nasser is going to be here...yep here in IOWA...with SHANE & SHANE.. y'all should come.

BTW - if you don't know who I am ask your mom - or nunny.

TaylorW said...

I remember reading A CALL TO DIE a few years ago - solid devo choice!