Saturday, October 14, 2006


Doesn't it suck when Monday rolls back around after a great weekend?? Yep, whether you are at your job doing boring work or in class doing boring sucks! Mondays are the worse. But guess what...I'm going to be laying on the sand Monday at the beach watching the waves roll!! You are going to be working while I am tanning... get jealous! Haha ok sorry that may have been harsh...but it's so true. So I guess I'll see ya next week! Have a good Monday!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Jordan!

Anonymous said...

aren't you special

Anonymous said...

you're back now so i think you can write something new

TaylorW said...

while you were getting pre-mature skin cancer, I was enjoying dorm life at the University of Kentucky...

Jordan said...

hey! i wore sunblock...some! and thats better than staying in those nasty dorms....i had to stay in them for a camp...and whoooooo...they sort of smell..

Anonymous said...

she lied...she did not wear sunblock

Anonymous said...

the dorms at uk, been there and i'm pretty sure the things u can catch just walking through there are much worse than skin cancer

Anonymous said...

"...this is getting boring"