Tuesday, January 01, 2008

MY Blog Day

Well, today was my vote for "Blog Day" or whatever, so I have to at least stick to it. So here goes my random thoughts/discoveries/updates...
1. I'm tired. New Years is a very tiring holiday...especially when five girls are stuck in a room with High School Musical, Ale8, and DDR. Sleep isn't an option in such a situation.
2. It is 2008!!! As in the year I graduate! Ahhhh!
3. Life is going too fast...
4. It snowed today...yay!
5. I hope that we don't have school tomorrow considering I haven’t done any homework yet.
6. I really want to go sledding.
7. Santa brought me a Hannah Montana blanket, two Hannah Montana toothbrushes, a Hannah Montana microphone, and a Hannah Montana shirt! You are jealous.
8. It is really fun to TP.
9. I have an odd urge to go horseback riding...
10. UK basketball is embarrassing.
11. Chips and salsa are not a great breakfast choice.
12. My brothers are beginning to get stronger than me...not cool.
13. I really use "..." too much...
14. Dolly Parton guest starred on Hannah Montana today.
15. I just found out that I have spelled definItely wrong my entire life. It isn't definAtley.
16. I also spelled "Jonas" wrong on my last post. Sorry boys.
17. I cleaned my car out finally!
18. My New Years resolution was to delete the Myspace...definAtley didn't happen yet.
19. Break is too short.
20.When you decide to paint "08" on your face, remember that everything is backwards in a mirror! Mallory was ready for 2080 when she got done.


Jordan said...

RIGHT when I pressed "post" I heard that SCHOOL is CANCELLED!!

Anonymous said...

ah yes ringing in 2080 with mallory was interesting...just ask Dr. Pepper.

Anonymous said...

i see that you made a change to number 8. it reads "TP" now. but it did read "tipee". haha!

...and just because you decided to post on Jan. 1, 2008, the day that you wanted WBD '08 to be on, doesn't mean that you are exempt from the true blogging on WBD '08, which is Apr. 15, 2008.

Anonymous said...

clean your room

Anonymous said...

by the way your uncle gave you the Hannah Montana microphone, not Santa.