Monday, December 04, 2006


Don’t you hate when you have a song stuck in your head. It just plays over and over again. All day I have been mumbling the words to “Larger than Life”…and yes it IS a Backstreet Boys song. I was one of those little girls at the concerts that cried her eyes out when I saw them. Once, I believe Brian even waved to me! And I met Kevin, because I’m famous like that. I have found something about myself this past weekend that I thought I had lost…I still LOVE the Backstreet Boys. Hey, don’t make fun. You know that you still like them too, whether you will admit it or not...cough cough. I think the “Bailey Babes” will agree with me when I say, they are hot (especially that Nick Carter kid)!
Anyways, this weekend at the Girl’s retreat, Sarah, Dawn, Amber, Chelsea, Gina, and I found our inner Backstreet Boys. Our music video will be releasing January 1st for those interested. Just thought I would give you the heads up.
So as Gina would say: “word”.


Anonymous said...

Jordan, if we goin be showin our hott 'n pimpin' music video to other people, then I think we most def goin be needin some tight costumes and some dope camera shots. (them blingin lights are a keepa that's fo sho playa!) Holla at chur gurl. Peace.

Anonymous said...

I L-O-V-E LOVE the Backstreet Boys!!!!! Howie D. all the way!!

TaylorW said...

I feel like I'm not gangsta enough to comment on this post... Anyway, A certain Backstreet boy went to my high school, and if for some reason I did listen to one of their songs today > I probably would enjoy it. (i can't lie)

Jordan said...

haha sarah honey...please never say "holla at chur gurl" out loud..i thought of you saying it just not with your gangster self and i laughed out loud

amelia...sarah is howie d.

taylor...i know you like them...way to confess.

Anonymous said...

backstreet boys = good times

Anonymous said...

Jordan-Good post "NNNNN".

Sarah-Gangster. (Oops. Sorry. Gangsta.)

Amelia-Spelling Bee Champ. :)

Taylor-Truthful. Honest. Way to be.
Who went to TC?

Brandon-That's cute. But truthful. Honest. Just like Taylor. The Backstreet Boys were for real in middle school. Remember those dances? Where we actually got to wear jeans and a t-shirt to school? Whose songs did they play? Backstreet Boys.

Anonymous said...

I remember one time when I was cruising the streets of Lexington and saw a carload of guys singing to the Backstreet Boys. They were true fans.

Jordan said...

hahaha brandon...i forgot about that. i dont care who you are, where your from..."

Anonymous said...

i never did like those boys from the backstreet... although brian has a good cd out NOW

Nick C. said...

Can't lie... I still like those songs, no one sings good love songs anymore, there just about having sex with the girl you never asked out. Backstreet Boys are classic but when *N Sync hit the radio I hated those bsb posers. Sure I'll get some comments calling me out but I really think love songs ended when the BSB's retired.

Anonymous said...

now i understand nick's poetry skillz

Nick C. said...

Wait till valentines day or me and Jenn's 2year anniversary. Then you'll see real poetry aka love poems.

Anonymous said...

yeah boiiii

Anonymous said...

Here is my confession! Jordan needs a new post!

Anonymous said...

I never thought it would be so enlightening to find that innerself from the backstreet. love you girls - gina:)