Friday, July 14, 2006


O.K. So I just finished an entire can of pop/soda/coke(whatever you call it...I recently got lectured on which one to use but I forget.) That may seem normal to you but it is a HUGE deal for me to finish a whole pop/soda/coke...I NEVER do that. I usually take a couple sips out of it and leave it half empty..or wait..half FULL on the table, thinking I will drink the rest later...but I don't.
I got to thinking, and I would say I finish a whole can once every month or so. But I drink 1/4 of a new one probably three times a day. Meaning I drink 75% of a whole can every day. And then that one full can once every month. So in a regular month I most likely only drink 23.5 cans of pop/soda/coke. That is 282 per year. According to some site from Google, the average American woman lives for 79.5 years. That means, if I continue to drink that amount per year for 74.5 years(take of 5 years because you don't drink pop/soda/coke really before that), it would total to about 21009 cans in my life. I think that's a lot. But after doing some more research I found that the average American drinks 597 per year(from another Google site). WOW..that would mean a woman drinks about 44476.5 a lifetime! Can you say CRAZY! I am 23467.5 behind!
I know, this post isn't too astounding to you but it is the most interesting thing that has happened to me lately besides watching some loser kid get caught by the manager for switching movies and hyperventilate about it. Wow, that's another post. I'm going to be pretty busy so I won't get to post for about 55 weeks but I will return. Anyways, I need to go drink some more pop/soda/coke.


Anonymous said...

So which one is it...pop? soda? or coke?

You know my stance...

Anonymous said...

O yeah - that's alot of math. Alot of research. You're stepping up this blogging thing. Keep it going. O wait...we wont hear from you for about 55 weeks. But after those 55 weeks, keep stepping it up!

Anonymous said...

I was once caught by a manager for switching from a 7:10 movie to a 7:30 movie. I didn't think that it would be a big deal since neither movie had started yet, but apparently, it was "muy importante". So that being said, if you were the loser who you were refering to in your post, if you were the one that was caught, I've been in that same situation. I tried to seek reconciliation and although it didn't work, I am now past the painful memory of that experience and am willing to share my ways of getting through. I'm here to help...

Anonymous said...

why didn't you also mention the glasses of chocolate milk that you pour and then NEVER finish (no matter how much or little you pour)?

Jordan said...

Concerned Other... thanks for the help but it wasn't me. I think if I was in that situation I would just laugh. You can't be 2 uptight you know?

Anonymous said...

Who says you don't drink soda/coke/pop before age 5? My sister lives in east KY. They put Pepsi in bottles there. Don't be so ethnocentric, Jordan!

That's okay though...I still love you! (BTW, it's definitely coke.)

Anonymous said...

so your the one that never finishes their canned drink at student ministry events and leaves it to me to pour it out and throw it away! im on to you jordan

Anonymous said...

Does Kenneth think that he is the most handsome student pastor in north america, or is this referring to someone else?

Anonymous said...

are you blahgging??????

Anonymous said...

get a job.

Anonymous said...

clean your room

Anonymous said...

you need a new post

Anonymous said...

im more of a pepsi guy myself...

Anonymous said...

You should be drinking Mountain Dew like your favorite UNCLE.
That way you know what to call it.